Athletic Scholarship Facts

Who gives out athletic scholarships?

Are full ride scholarships for all 4 years? No, athletic scholarships are typically one-year agreements between the college and the athlete, although some are multi-year. They are offered at the NCAA DI and DII levels, as well as at the NAIA and NJCAA levels—combined, that’s thousands of schools.

Athletic Association Number of Schools Number of Athletes Maximum Number of Scholarships
NCAA Division I 348 139,063 74,243
NCAA Division II 292 85,385 36,343
NCAA Division III 418 144,062 0
NAIA 260 56,354 25,778
NJCAA 464 53,248 41,195
Other 276 39,737 N/A
Total 2,058 517,849 177,559

Do you have to get a scholarship to compete in college sports?

Typically, there are more spots available on a team than coaches have scholarships to offer. So, not getting a scholarship doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. Student-athletes can walk onto a team, which means trying out without receiving a scholarship. Sometimes, athletes are asked to walk on, in which case they are called “preferred walk-ons.” You may also walk on to a team without a scholarship one year and be given a scholarship the next year, depending on your perceived value.